I feel fortunate to have collaborated with Boundless Films on this advertisement featuring Olympic champion Zhang Hong as the protagonist. Given the Winter Olympics as the backdrop, the film aimed to incorporate various winter sports and recreational activities accessible to the general public. During the location scouting phase, we considered multiple professional ski resorts, snow scenic areas, and competition venues. Ultimately, we chose to shoot at an ice and snow-themed amusement park, aligning with the vision of the Beijing Winter Olympics' 'Everyone's Olympics' and the promotion of winter sports.

Throughout the shoot, we encountered a common challenge in the Northeast region: slow progress due to the cold weather and slippery ground. The shorter daylight hours further limited our shooting time, necessitating an additional day of filming. Despite these challenges, the final result was pleasing, and all expectations set during the planning phase were successfully realized.

我很幸运能与Boundless Films一起参与到这支由冬奥冠军张虹作为主角的广告片中。本片由于以冬奥为背景,所以需要尽可能多地考虑冰雪运动以及普通民众可以参与的冰雪娱乐活动。在堪景阶段我们考虑了多个专业的滑雪场、冰雪风景区和比赛场馆等。而最后我们将拍摄场地定在了一个冰雪主题游乐园。这也呼应着北京冬奥会的“全民冬奥”和推广冰雪运动的愿景。在拍摄中我们遇到了东北地区最常见的难题:因为寒冷和地面光滑导致拍摄进度比预期缓慢。而较短的白昼又更加缩短了可以拍摄的时长。这使得我们不得不增加了一天的拍摄期。不过最后的成片是令人欣喜的,各项在筹划阶段的预期皆得到了实现。

Cheer for Olympic athletes!
Client / Yili Group