At the 2023 Bilibili World, I had the honor of being responsible for directing and broadcasting the Virtual Streamer Theater stage. I must say it was an unforgettable experience. Two days before the start of the event, we began technical testing with various streamers. Since virtual streamers were connecting remotely from their own studios, the transmission and routing of audio-visual signals posed a challenge for this event. Particularly, the different audio equipment used by virtual streamers required significant effort in debugging and preventing audio feedback loops.

During the live production, I served as both the on-site director and technical director. While coordinating and cueing each program, I had to send the live camera footage to the virtual streamers so they could be aware of the on-site audience's reactions. Throughout a streamer's performance, we had to test whether the audio-visual signals sent by the next streamer were functioning properly. In the midst of high complexity and multitasking, my technical team and I successfully completed the production of this event.

在2023年的Bilibili World中,我有幸负责Vup小剧场舞台的导演和导播工作。不得不说这是一场难忘的经历。在本次活动开始前两天,我们就已经开始了与各位主播的技术测试工作。因为虚拟主播都在自己的工作室与我们远程连线,音视频信号的传输和路由是本次活动的难点。尤其是各位虚拟主播的音频设备不尽相同,我们花费了很大精力调试和避免声音回路。在现场制作中,我身兼现场导演和技术导播二职。在协调和cue准每个节目的同时,我要将现场摄像机拍摄的画面返送给虚拟主播使其可以了解到现场观众的状态。在一个主播的演出进行过程中我们要测试下个主播发送过来的音视频信号是否正常。在高复杂度和多任务同时进行的情况下我和我的技术团队成功地完成了本次活动的制作。

Virtual Streamer Stage in Bilibili World
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