I am delighted to produce a virtual livestream show as entertaining as the Sunday Late Show. During each two-hour broadcast, the hosts and guests bring endless laughter to the audience. As this is a talk show, the biggest challenge in production is maintaining minimal latency among all three participants to ensure a smooth conversation flow. To address this, we have developed a proprietary real-time video/audio transmission software using the WebRTC protocol. Our software ensures end-to-end video latency within 1 second. This is a significant improvement compared to the 5~10 second latency commonly found in industry-standard RTMP protocol tools, enabling seamless communication among virtual hosts.

制作像Sunday Late Show这样有趣的虚拟主播节目我感到十分开心。在每次两个小时的直播时长里主持人和嘉宾都能带给大家无穷的笑料。因为这是一档谈话类节目,所以本节目在制作时最大的挑战就是要保持三个人都有尽量低的延时来保证聊天的流程。为此我们使用了自主研发的一套使用WebRTC协议的实时视频/音频传输软件。我们的软件可以保证端对端的视频延时在1秒以内。相对业界使用的RTMP协议工具的5~10秒延时,可以较好地保证虚拟主播之间的正常交流。

Sunday Late Show
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